PEKILO® is an ideal drop-in ingredient for food producers looking for a sustainable protein source with neutral taste and texture.
PEKILO®Aqua is the aquafeed ingredient of the future. Sustainably produced using agri- or forest industry by-products, it boasts 65% crude protein content and high levels of nucleotides and beta-glucans.
Protein – Up to 65% of highly digestible crude protein. PEKILO®Aqua is your drop-in replacement for conventional aquafeed protein concentrates. More than 85% protein digestibility in Atlantic salmon, more than 88% protein digestibility in rainbow trout.
High levels (15%) of beta-glucan, a well-known immunostimulant. Studies at NMBU University show immune activation by PEKILO®Aqua beta-glucan in Atlantic salmon.
High levels (>10%) of nucleotides with optimal composition of purine/pyrimidine bases. Nucleotides especially enhance the rapid growth of juvenile salmon. The nucleotides in PEKILO®Aqua are highly digestible (~ 92%) and readily available to support fish growth.
PEKILO®Aqua's properties make is particularly suitable for carnivorous fish, requiring high levels of digestible protein. It can also boost fish growth and health.
Funded under the EMFF 2020 Blue Economy Window call, PEKILO®Aqua project advances the launch of Enifer’s PEKILO®Aqua mycoprotein as a sustainabe alternative to soy in aquafeed.
Supported by a €1.2M BlueInvest Grant, PEKILO®Aqua project’s overall objective is to bring to market a novel, cost-competitive, locally produced, and sustainable aquaculture feed protein ingredient for use as an alternative to soy protein concentrate.
The project supports the R&D for production technology, feeding trials, and advances the regulatory approval and business development to bring PEKILO®Aqua to the aquafeed market.
I’m proud to see that we are one step closer to bringing a new raw material to the aquaculture industry. For aquaculture to be able to grow, we absolutely need new and sustainable protein raw materials that can be produced in large volumes. We are excited to work with Enifer on this exciting product and to see the value a scientific validation trial can generate for a startup in this phase of its development.
Read about Enifer winning the 2020 Nutreco Feed & Food Tech ChallengeCommercial PEKILO®Aqua
First 10 kiloton PEKILO®Aqua plant expected to come online.
Improved growth in shrimp
Trials conducted in collaboration with AquaBioTech show that incorporating PEKILO®Aqua into the diets of white leg shrimp leads to improved growth.
Suitable for modern commercial fish feed
Nutreco’s trials show that that PEKILO®Aqua is suitable for modern commercial fish feed
Improved salmon growth and health
Trials at NMBU University in Norway show that PEKILO®Aqua’s unique composition, containing high nucleotide and beta-glucan levels, can improve salmon growth and health.
Collaboration with Skretting, the aquaculture business line of Nutreco, begins
After winning the Nutreco Feed Tech Challenge in 2020, Enifer produces the first 100kg of PEKILO®Aqua for Skretting’s Atlantic salmon trials. Core patents for PEKILO®Aqua filed.
PEKILO® is an ideal drop-in ingredient for food producers looking for a sustainable protein source with neutral taste and texture.
PEKILO®Pet is a high-protein, animal-free drop-in ingredient. Sustainably produced, PEKILO®Pet is the natural choice for all pet food producers offering planet friendly dietary options.
Alternative protein solutions are nothing new to us. PEKILO® has been in industrial production already during 1975–1991.